A Hummingbird Dance begins with a disappearance connected to an unsolved murder. When Detectives Lane and Harper investigate the death of a sixteen-year-old First Nations man, they begin to unravel a series of killings. They must also deal with complex family issues while risking their lives to uncover the truth behind the killings.
When I envision a hummingbird dance, I am reminded of the weeks of observation required to come to the conclusion that hummingbirds are very human. They become extremely aggressive in defense of their flowers or feeders. This knowledge was gathered during two weeks of photographing hummingbirds in San Diego. Hummingbird behaviour allowed me to better understand human behaviour and our violent desire to hold onto what we think we own.
Now add to this mix the idea that a talented artist can make you believe a marionette is a real person. Only by bringing a marionette to life can the reader understand what was lost when Alex was murdered. Alex’s friend brings him to life on her stage, and I believe that her art and her voice makes this tragedy more authentic for the reader.
» Book 3 in the Detective Lane Series. |